Kahoot is a wonderful tool for solidifying a student’s learning. When teachers use food within the classroom students are able to go over previously learned material and are able to understand and explore new perspectives. They are also able to expand beyond what they already know and dive into new materials. Sometimes students can feel motivated to even study beforehand if they know there is going to be a Kahoot the next day furthering their learning and memorization capacity. Kahoot allows students to review key concepts and topics covered in class and allow students to see these concepts in a brief and precise format which helps students develop a clear understanding. Through a study done on the benefits of Kahoot, it was discovered that students are more likely to retain information if it was delivered through a Kahoot. Students also reported that they were in favour of the quick and basic reminders within a Kahoot that allowed them to refresh their memories. Further, when a question is presented within a Kahoot it opens the door for the class conversation to discuss why certain answers were correct and some were not.

By Kate and Holly