Today I decided to do the slow flow yoga routine. First, we are going to start with the easy pose, sitting with legs crossed, back stretched tall. We are going to stretch our neck while still being in the easy pose, stretching our neck side to side and forwards. Now we are going to move to a standing forward bend, trying to get out belly flat against our thighs. From there, we are going to move into Warrior 1 pose with our left leg forward. Lunging in this position we are going to raise our hands to meet above our head, now switch to the right leg and repeat. From there, we are going to a tree pose, first balancing with our left leg, then our right leg. Now we are going to go to the standing mountain pose which is just standing upright with our hands rested at our sides. Now we are going to come to a seated position with our legs crossed, we are going to place our right hand on the mat, reaching our left hand over our head, stretching our left side as much as possible while our backs are straight. Now we are going to switch to stretching out the right side. Next, we are going to sit with our legs straight out in front of us with our backs stretched tall, taking one leg and bending it, and putting the opposite arm across our body and stretching our back, then switch sides. Finally, we are going to end off with the easy pose with our legs crossed, backs stretched and hands resting on our knees, breathing in through our noses and out through our mouths.

Hopefully, you liked this quick routine.