Month: March 2020 Page 1 of 2


Today is the final blog post for this Tech class, we are learning about coding.

I have previously learned to code before when I was observing last semester in a grade 6/7 split. My partner and I were in a technology class for most of our time there, we had the opportunity to learn lots about different tech software to use in the classroom. I had the chance to work with kids on their coding skills using CODE and get to see their work that they had created through scratch as well.

I loved the hour of code website, I never knew how many resources there were with so many different interests for students for all grades. I was playing around with CODE today and it was actually quite easy to use. I loved this website because it is designed simply and doesn’t have so many buttons to click on and it doesn’t get confusing. I was playing with the Elsa and Anna one, I really like that there are different levels that the students can start with. It starts with easy and gets you to understand what you need to do and allows you to get familiar with the concept of coding. Then with each level, there are different tasks to complete so that you understand how to work it and then you can be moved onto the next level.

Now we are learning about Scratch, I find Scratch a bit more confusing and would be used for older grades because it doesn’t break the steps down and you don’t really know where to start. I find it confusing because there are so many coding buttons to plug-in that you have play around with it to figure out what works. The one thing that Scratch has that CODE doesn’t is you can be a bit more creative with it, you can create stories and make your own characters. You can also add music or sound effects rather than just steps. I have noticed that there is a connection between coding and math, using degrees and steps can link the two together, there is also storytelling and games. I think that using CODE in my classroom would be beneficial for students who are learning how to use coding and using computers, it is a fun game and also helps them learn about technology while playing. I am wanting to teach primary grades from K-3 so CODE would be more beneficial for me to use. I would use CODE for my students to create stories or even just playing on the computers because CODE has many different kinds of activities to use I know that each student would be interested in using it.

My Yoga Journey

This will be my last and final post about my free inquiry which was yoga. I learned so much while doing these blog posts. I learned about how the wonderful app YOGA has many free yoga routines for any time of the day and for multiple different experiences. I used almost every routine that they have on their app. I learned about all the different types of yoga poses and made a post about the most common ones within the routines that I was posting about. I learned about the health benefits of doing yoga and also the physical benefits. I learned about so many different types of yoga that there are out there, some I have never even heard of. I loved choosing yoga as one of my free inquiry project because it was something I was always interested in learning more about and practicing more. This journey of learning more and practicing yoga more has made me feel so calm, relaxed, and energized. I hope that I will be able to continue to have time to practice yoga on a regular basis because it does make you feel better in so many ways. I hope that you enjoyed this yoga journey as much as I did.

Piano Final

Here is the link to my video of the songs Always Remember Us This Way

Part One:

Part Two:

Here is the link to my video of the song Don’t Stop Believing


Slow Flow Yoga Routine

Today I decided to do the slow flow yoga routine. First, we are going to start with the easy pose, sitting with legs crossed, back stretched tall. We are going to stretch our neck while still being in the easy pose, stretching our neck side to side and forwards. Now we are going to move to a standing forward bend, trying to get out belly flat against our thighs. From there, we are going to move into Warrior 1 pose with our left leg forward. Lunging in this position we are going to raise our hands to meet above our head, now switch to the right leg and repeat. From there, we are going to a tree pose, first balancing with our left leg, then our right leg. Now we are going to go to the standing mountain pose which is just standing upright with our hands rested at our sides. Now we are going to come to a seated position with our legs crossed, we are going to place our right hand on the mat, reaching our left hand over our head, stretching our left side as much as possible while our backs are straight. Now we are going to switch to stretching out the right side. Next, we are going to sit with our legs straight out in front of us with our backs stretched tall, taking one leg and bending it, and putting the opposite arm across our body and stretching our back, then switch sides. Finally, we are going to end off with the easy pose with our legs crossed, backs stretched and hands resting on our knees, breathing in through our noses and out through our mouths.

Hopefully, you liked this quick routine.


Today we had the chance to use Zoom. I thought that this tool is so cool to use especially in these types of situations. Due to the Covid-19, we were unable to meet as a class today for our tech ed class. It was interesting to learn how to use Zoom, I like the idea that everyone can video chat and our class has 32 people! Zoom has many online tools like chatting, screen recording, muting/unmuting, turning the camera off, multiple viewing options (you can see everybody in little boxes or in a strip) and hands up. Today we used Zoom’s tools to do our presentations that we had prepared to do in class but we were able to do it online and screenplay our screens onto Zoom so that everybody could see our slides. It was really cool, I felt comfortable talking on Zoom for our presentation because people were still listening but I wasn’t standing at the front of the class. I found Zoom okay to use and connect to my computer, it wasn’t too difficult to figure out but I feel that there could have been some problems for people who are not as techy to get their screens to show up. Next week I won’t have to have my screen shared because I have already done the presentation. Basically Zoom is a great tool for online classes and I think that more teachers should be used in situations like this.

Types of Yoga Continued

Here are the rest of the most common yoga types which are continued from the previous post.

  1. Kundalini- This type of yoga focuses on the movements connected with breath, it can also include chanting and meditating. This practice is about bringing out the energy at the base of the spine and bring it out through the 7 chakras (areas of energy throughout the body).
  2.  Bikram- This type of yoga practice consists of 26 different poses done in a specific order within an hour and a half class. This yoga is also done in a heated room around 40.6C, this room is usually very humid as well.
  3. Jivamukti- This is similar to the vinyasa type of yoga because there is are flowing movements with chanting, meditation, and reading and affirmations. These types of classes start with a warm-up and change by the week on focusing on different parts of the body or different poses.
  4. Yin Yoga- This type of yoga is a slower pace and is more focused on relaxing and meditating. This practice can use props and hold poses for several minutes. The main focus in this type of practice is lengthening the connective tissue (tendons and ligaments) which will, therefore, improve circulation and flexibility.

Perfecting my songs

This week I have been practicing  Don’t Stop Believing to have this song perfected to record it for my final music post. I have still continued to practice the song Shallow and Always Remember Us This Way since the beginning of term just to keep playing them for fun. I will be recording Always Remember Us This way because I had changed my plan after the midterm. I will also record myself playing the song Don’t Stop Believing for my midterm. This song has been so much fun to learn and play because the song is so popular that anywhere I can play it people know the song and can sing along. This song was my favourite upbeat song that I have ever learned because the beat is so easy to follow. Kate and I have also been playing the song together, she played it on the ukelele and it was fun to play together.

Our Kahoot!

Here is the Kahoot that Kate and I are going to be playing with our class after our presentation. We have learned so many new things about Kahoot and the different kinds of games you can create, we decided that it would be fun to play a Kahoot as a class. Although we didn’t make our own for the presentation, we looked up multiple different Kahoots that are already made and available for everyone to use. We decided to choose a subject area that everyone should know some information. We chose to do a Disney character Kahoot. We think that this will be fun and that our classmates will like it. Here is the link to find so many different Kahoots that are already made and have over one hundred different topics and subjects.

Key Points:

  1. Kahoot is a website and an app that allows teachers to create different quizzes per subject or unit
  2. With a quiz created by the teacher, the students will follow along and engage in a friendly competition (This promotes a positive learning environment and can build upon past knowledge!)
  3. Creating a Kahoot is fun and easy and can be personalized for their optimal learning of the students
  4. Uses a game-based approach to test students on their knowledge and further understanding
  5. By using games, students can access their previous knowledge, reflect on their own academic improvement and expand into further critical thinking. Further, games influence improvement in problem-solving and critical thinking.
  6. Overall, game-based learning is used to promote positive student engagement in the classroom and create a positive emotional climate through healthy student competition and individual motivation.
  7. Pros:
    • Teachers can create various types of quizzes such as true or false, multiple-choice, or open-ended questions for various subjects.
    • It provokes attention amongst the students in the class.
    • Allows students a break period from structured learning
    • Promotes student Interaction and Participation
    • Friendly competition becomes a motivator for students
    • Anonymity
    • Knowledge Retention
    • It’s FUN!!!!
  8. Cons:
    • There is often only one answer to a question which can limit thoughts and opinions
    • Technology issues
    • Usernames can become inappropriate
    • The speed motivator can be overwhelming
  9.  When teachers use Kahoot! within the classroom students are able to go over previously learned material and are able to understand and explore new perspectives. They are able to expand beyond what they already know and dive into new materials. 
  10. Allows students to review key concepts and topics covered in class

And here is the link to our Disney Kahoot that we will be playing in class.

By Holly and Kate

Effects of Game based Learning

Game-based learning can be very beneficial to a child’s development as it allows students to learn from a new and exciting perspective that encourages hands-on learning experiences.

Here are some benefits of Game-Based Learning:

  • Can improve memory
    • if the game uses memorization, children can begin to think critically and build upon their memory capacity.
  • Builds technological literacy
    • If  game revolves around technology (as in Kahoot!), children can build their knowledge in technology, their respect online and their online citizenship,
  • Encourages children to think logically and critically
    •  allows children to develop the ability to think strategically, think ahead, and explore ideas outside of the box.
  • Develop hand-eye coordination
    • often children can develop a better ability in hand-eye coordination, especially in technological games where they are expected to complete objectives using a keyboard or mouse while looking at a screen.
  • Skill – Building
    • Lots of games require different skills in order to achieve a certain goal. Children can learn skills in finance (monopoly), map -reading (Ticket to Ride), mathematical skills (Dino Math Tracks), reading and writing skills (Scategories), social skills (Charades), etc.
  • Game-based learning can also help students develop a stronger understanding of concepts by allowing them to apply their ideas to real-life situations. This can also help motivate the students into learning the concepts and help them personalize their learning. 

Enjoy this video: The Effective Use of Game-Based Learning.

Information Retrieved from:

By Kate and Holly

How it Solidifies Learning

Kahoot is a wonderful tool for solidifying a student’s learning. When teachers use food within the classroom students are able to go over previously learned material and are able to understand and explore new perspectives. They are also able to expand beyond what they already know and dive into new materials. Sometimes students can feel motivated to even study beforehand if they know there is going to be a Kahoot the next day furthering their learning and memorization capacity. Kahoot allows students to review key concepts and topics covered in class and allow students to see these concepts in a brief and precise format which helps students develop a clear understanding. Through a study done on the benefits of Kahoot, it was discovered that students are more likely to retain information if it was delivered through a Kahoot. Students also reported that they were in favour of the quick and basic reminders within a Kahoot that allowed them to refresh their memories. Further, when a question is presented within a Kahoot it opens the door for the class conversation to discuss why certain answers were correct and some were not.

By Kate and Holly

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