-The song doesn’t matter who sings it, it depends on who owns the copyright

-The creative process became more important than the finished product. (Making remixes with videos)

-Ideas are intellectual properties (copyright) public

-Culture builds on the past, the past tries to control the future

-Ideas are becoming less free

-Copyright depends on the person and how upset they are

-Can’t call it your creative idea when it isn’t all your own ideas

-Public domain can freely build on other ideas which is part of evolution

-Copyright was supposed to help people create not stop them

-New ideas are based on old creations

-Can’t stop people from taking culture and making it their own

-Fair use is to have free speech

-Disney is an example of recreations from past stories and ideas

-Mickey Mouse drawing

-Locks put on DVDs, movies, CDs through software

– No money went to the artist after people who were accused of stealing music who wasted 1000’s of dollars

-2007 Music law remade

-Cancer information is pattened (we could be one step away from curing cancer but people cant link other peoples information to their own and keeping it from others)

-American Copyright Laws had to be made so that companies/people could sell and distribute their goods

-Humans are better working together

-Copyright makes people more selfish

I think that copyright is a bit ridiculous for multiple reasons. I think that if people make music for the whole world to listen to that it should be okay if somebody who has bought the CD or paid for the download to put it online. Musicians can own a song and lyrics but I don’t think that they own the chords because people can make their own music based on the same chords but have different lyrics. The music part of copyright is a tricky area because if people who make remixes of multiple different songs, yes they are technically coping the song but they are using the songs to create their own. The part about Mickey Mouse where this guy was trying to use Mickey Mouse’s character and image into his own stories is copyright. He has no permission to use Mickey Mouse in his comic books. This also would have ruined Mickey Mouse’s image to adults and children by being used in the comic book that was inappropriate.

Here is the link to the movie that I watched in class

RiP! Remix Manifesto Documentary


This website Open Educational Resources is a great place for teachers to share lesson plans and projects. It’s interesting because after learning about copyright and how selfish people can be about their own ideas and especially teachers sharing their lesson plans. This website goes against normal laws because the people who post on this website don’t care about copyright they just want to share their ideas and lesson plans. It is an open website which means anybody can post and anybody can use the resources. I will definitely use this in my teaching career.